This can be knit on any Superba, singer, White or Phildar brand 5mm gauge Double Bed Knitting Machine. The stitch pattern is done without electronics.
All seams, side vents and setting-in of the sleeves are completed using a Crochet Chain Stitch by hand.

Above shows the "wrong side" and below the "right side" of the side vent and facings. I am pleased the way the Tuck Rib stitch lined up at the side seams which made joining this by hand very easy as I could "stitch-in-the-ditch".
The Double E-Wrap Cast On technique I used along the Sleeves and Front/Back sections is fine on it's own but I am concerned about these areas stretching out of shape with wear in this fibre, so I have decided to add a row of Half Double Crochet for all the jacket hems (Shown below) and around the neckline to where the zipper closure will be inserted.

Below you can see a close-up of the front selvedge edge where the fully-fashioned decreasing begins to shape the front neckline. It was important to end the "rib" stitch on the front bed in advance of the seam shaping so as to reduce the bulk, making the process of inserting a closure easier and ensuring it will lay flat. This was done on all the sleeve seams as well.

The orange "notch" in the photo below marks where my zipper closure will end. I did not want the addition of any facings for this models neckline so I decided on applying a row of Half Double Crochet which will also form a good edge when inserting the zipper.

I will post a final update on the finished jacket including a model knit using the same garment pattern and stitch technique but knit in Wool with the addition of a band collar.