In this post I review the standard tools and accessories that were sold with most models of Superba Double Bed Knitting Machines. This will help you to identify the various accessories you will be using when you sit at your machine to knit and learn about their function.

Note: This post deals only with the "Principal" parts of your machine and does not include information regarding the various Electronic Stitch Programmers that came with some models.

Pictured below is my White brand Double Bed model knitting machine model 1502. It is shown with all the standard knitting machine accessories arranged on the table behind it. .

First and foremost you have the Double Bed Knitting Machine itself and two Carriages, which are shown attached to the knitting machine and connected to one another in these two photos.

The two carriages can be released from one another by depressing the Carriage Release Lever on the bottom carriage... and Voila! you have the two carriages independent from one another.

On the lower left is the Front Carriage and on the upper right, with the curved handles is the Back Carriage.

The back carriage is considered the main knitting carriage as it creates both Single Bed stitches on the back needle bed and works with the Front Carriage to create Double Bed Stitches.
Depending on the "Brand Name" of your Superba and the model, the styles and colours can very:
For more information on the Carriages and how to attach and remove these from the machine, please see my post "Carriages & Slide Rails".
In this next photo we have two "C" clamps on the bottom right,
which secure your knitting machine to the table.

The "C" Clamps

The Yarn Guide & Row Counter
Shown below are the three parts that comprise your Yarn Guide for the machine:
The Tension Head, The Yarn Rod, and the Feeding Guide.
These parts are assembled and are attached to the Row Counter shown below.

I have written about the assembly and threading of the Yarn Guide, which can be viewed here: Superba Principal Parts: The Yarn Guide
Weights & Combs

Your machine was originally sold with several accessories concerned with the "Casting On" or establishing stitches on the machine and providing weight to the knit fabric as it is formed.
They are...
Mounting Combs
aka Cast On Combs....
Four Combs of varying widths were shipped with each machine: The combs are 180 stitches wide, 150 stitches wide, 100 stitches wide and 50 stitches wide.

Each machine was shipped with 1 Large and 3 Medium weights...
The weights are used in knitting with the Mounting Combs (above) to help with
the formation of stitches during knitting. The number of weights used depends
on the yarn and stitch technique you are knitting.
These weights are heavy and you can break a toe or seriously hurt your feet
when using these. Keep your feet out from under these when in use.

Edge Claws
aka Claw Weights or Edge Weights...
These lighter weights hook onto the edge stitches of your knitting to assist with their formation. Two were shipped with every machine.
aka Claw Weights or Edge Weights...
These lighter weights hook onto the edge stitches of your knitting to assist with their formation. Two were shipped with every machine.

Standard Superba Accessories
All Superba ~ Singer ~ White ~ Phildar knitting machines were shipped with the following accessories for selecting needles, transferring stitches and creating various stitch techniques.
The Needle Ruler and Needle Selector
You will have two rulers used for selecting needles to knit with:
Needle Ruler

Needle Selector

Pushing Down Wheels....
These two plastic discs are for use when knitting thicker weight yarns using Double Bed stitches like 1x1 and 2x2 ribbing.
These two plastic discs are for use when knitting thicker weight yarns using Double Bed stitches like 1x1 and 2x2 ribbing.

They assist in the formation of stitches by "pushing down" on the stitches,
forcing the knitting down between the needle beds.

Transfer Tools

Your machine was shipped with 5 different Transfer Tools; these are used to move single or multiple stitches during the knitting process.
From left to right we have:
20 Stitch Comb ~ 6 Prong Tool ~ 3 Prong Tool ~ 2 x 1 Tool ~ Double Eye Transfer Tool and lastly the Combo Single Prong & Latch Hook Tool.
20 Stitch Comb ~ 6 Prong Tool ~ 3 Prong Tool ~ 2 x 1 Tool ~ Double Eye Transfer Tool and lastly the Combo Single Prong & Latch Hook Tool.

Next up are three distinct parts used for positioning additional colours or varieties of yarn when knitting.
This photo below shows two circular brushes which are the Weave Effect Brushes and then the Jacquard Claw below.

Both are used for creating specific stitch techniques as outlined in your instruction book and are inserted into the Back Carriage, next to the carriage brushes.

Weaving Brushes Used for Weave Effect Stitch.

These brushes force a second yarn, usually of a thicker weight, between the needles knitting Stocking Stitch and create the most beautiful knit fabric. So the machine may not be capable of knitting thick chunky yarns on every needle, but it can weave them!

The Jacquard Claw: Used for Norwegian Jacquard Technique.

Below are two views of the Second Yarn Guide. This is used for knitting two colours of yarn at the same time in one row. This makes the beautiful Jacquard fabrics our machines produce possible.

Your machine should also come with a Lint Brush for cleaning the machine and carriages.

This post is part of my series reviewing the Principal Parts of Superba ~ Singer ~ White ~ Phildar brand double bed knitting machines. Other posts in the series include:
- The Latch Hook Needles
- Yarn Tension Unit: How To Thread The Machine

Superba also produced and sold many optional accessories which will be covered in an upcoming post.
A Word About The Various Brands of French Knitting Machines
Produced by S.I.T./Groupe Superba
Produced by S.I.T./Groupe Superba
S.I.T./Groupe Superba of Mulhouse, France produced and marketed knitting machines world-wide under various brand names. The information I provide applies to owners of home knitting machines with the following brand names and/or logos printed on their machines.
To keep things simple I use the name Superba.

(** In North and South America, the Singer Company distributed home knitting machines produced by the Silver Reed Company of Japan - a completely different style of home knitting machine and operating system. The information here is for Singer machines made in France.)

I hope you find this information helpful.