The SINGER™ Company** was by far the biggest client and seller of SUPERBA Knitting Machines. Both Double Bed and Single Bed models were retailed at authorized Singer Sewing Machine Dealers throughout most countries in Europe.
**Note: In North and South America, the SINGER Company distributed home knitting machines produced by the Silver Reed Company of Japan - a completely different style and format of knitting machine, shown in the photo below.
The SINGER Company distributed the widest variety of knitting machine models produced by SUPERBA and in a wide range of colours. These machines were sold throughout Europe and are widely available as second hand units to this day.
Singer 'Cocktail' Double Bed Model. Sold Only In France.
In France the colours of the SINGER Knitting Machines were often paired with a model of Singer Sewing Machine for a consistent look for a particular range of machines.
Click on this link to take you to videos of television commercials from France the 70's and 80's showing SINGER knitting machines.
SINGER Knitting Machines models included:
• SINGER 2200 Peg Board Memomatic.
Singer Memomatic 'Peg Board' Electronic Model 2100.
• 600/Memo II.
And a Single Bed Version the 400/Memo II . . .
• The Light Scanning Mylar Model Singer 2310 and 2340.
• Electronic Singer System Model with 624 Controller, sold in France as the MT2140 with 624 Controller.
• Electronic Singer System Model with 9000 Controller, sold in France as the Singer MT-700.
• Singer also had a 9mm Gauge Hobby Knitter for bulky yarns called the Singer Big 9 and SB 151.
• And the Singer 5mm Gauge Hobby Knitter for finer hand knitting yarns.
S.I.T./Superba Worldwide Brand Names
S.I.T./Groupe Superba of Mulhouse, France produced and marketed knitting machines worldwide under various brand names.
All of the machines and most accessories, regardless of brand, will have the following logo on them:
S.I.T. means Standardisation Internationale de Tricotage or International Standardization of Knitting.
Superba achieved this standardization with all their models of knitting machines. I can assure you of that. All the double bed models I own including brand names Superba, White and Singer use the same size needles, the same Carriages, the same tools and accessories and one operates them and creates knitwear on each one in the same manner.
The difference between models is the style of Electronic Stitch Programmer the particular model came with.
Note the S.I.T. Logo in the upper left corner.
There is a lovely consistency of design built in to every S.I.T./Superba machine.
In this model review you see both single and double bed models, but the focus is primarily on Double Bed models, as these were the machines Superba produced in the greatest quantity and variety.
Patrick Madden.
Superba Knitting.