All content ©Patrick Madden/Superba Knitting™. Please do not copy images, text and do not link to this site for use on any online private sale, auction or classified ad like eBay, Kijiji, Craigslist or eBay Classifieds. Other knitting and general interest blogs and websites are welcome to link to Superba Knitting for the purpose of information sharing. Thank you for respecting this ~ Patrick.


Superba & Big Phil 9mm Gauge Knitting Machine Carriages

Photo of my Superba S9 and Phildar Big Phil 9mm gauge home knitting machines in my studio in Toronto. These are both extended bed versions with 126 needles vs the standard 115. Beautiful machines that in comparison to the Brother and Japanese Singer 9mm bulky machines, still allow you to feel the hand of the yarn as you knit, as these are Intarsia knitting machines, stocking stitch knitting machines at their most basic and you lay the yarn across the needles each row by hand, prior to moving the carriage, which forms the new row of stitches. 

Happy knitting!

PS: Stay safe and please continue to practice self-isolation and social distancing. Together we will get through this pandemic.

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